Warehouse and Logistics-Logistic Industry Air Filtration
Create a cleanworking environment, improve air quality, reduce the concentration ofparticulate matter, reduce energy costs and the impact on the environment,protect the health of your employees, and ensure the safety of goods in thedistribution center.
Keep the warehouse and distribution center air clean,free flow, smooth operation of logistics, protect the package and handlingpersonnel
Sources of air pollutants
Dust, dirt and harmful particles are very common instorage and distribution centers. Warehouses near densely populated areas willproduce pollution and need to be transported from large vehicles and shipsfrequently, which will cause more pollution. Research has shown thatparticulate emissions from diesel trucks are one of the most likely causes oflung cancer.
In addition to truck traffic, dust sources include cargohandling, sorting machines, street dust, and outdoor air pollution and pollen.Bacteria, dust, viruses and harmful particles in the air can cause itchy eyes,headaches, blocked nose, and cause asthma and respiratory tract irritation.
Impact of air pollution
Air pollution also affects goods stored in warehouses. Asthe daily inventory moves, stored components and other items quickly accumulatedust. When the component is further processed, this can create a risk of damageand even reduce your productivity.
Filtration scheme reduces energy consumption and improvesefficiency
Our filters can effectively remove dust and pollutantsand harmful particles to reduce energy costs, improve production efficiency andprovide a healthier working environment. The benefits for customers are asfollows:
1. Clean product environment
2. Reduce cleaning and related costs
3. Reduce energy cost and maintenance cost
4. Reduce the environmental impact
5. Maintain the health of employees
6. Eliminate air impurities, such as dust particles,welding dust and construction dust
Application scenarios:
Distribution center, warehouse, parcel storage, freightcenter