Hospitals and healthcare
Thehospital is a place to treat diseases and recover health, especially forpatients in intensive care unit, high-level air cleanliness must be maintained.In isolation room, patients can spread infectious diseases through the air, andthe filter must always work reliably to prevent microbial pollution.
Theair environment of clean operating room needs sterilization and purification,which is the basic attitude of being responsible for patients and respectinglife.
Avianinfluenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and recent COVID-19outbreaks remind us of the importance of reducing the risk of airborne transmissionand direct exposure to pathogens. Air purification technology has become theonly choice to control the asepsis and cleanliness of the air environment inhospital rooms.
Generally,the minimum requirement of hospital air for qualified hospital operating roompurification project or medical clean room is the combination of pre filterwith 30% efficiency and sub high efficiency filter with 90% efficiency. Inspecial cases such as isolation rooms, specific test and care areas, HEPAfilters are required. The special ventilation system of hospital operating roomand isolation ward with our filter can provide comfortable and hygienicenvironment for patients and medical staff.
Filter replacement
Judging from the level of air filter
Differentlevels of clean operating room air filter cleaning and replacement cycle timeis different, primary effect air filter replacement cycle time is about inMarch to June, medium effect clean operating room air filter replacement periodis about in June to December, high efficiency clean operating room air filterreplacement cycle time is about one year, if the characteristics are better, Itcan be replaced in about three years.
Judging from the level of work difficulty coefficient
Ifit is necessary to specify the removal and replacement time of the air filterin the clean operating room, it should also be carried out from the level ofdifficulty coefficient in the work of the air filter in the clean operatingroom. If the long-term work is of high toughness, there is no doubt that therepair and maintenance cycle time must be reduced. If the compressive strengthis low in the work, So it can moderately increase the maintenance and cleaningcycle time of air filter in clean operating room.
Judging from the standard value of air filter
Whenusing the air filter in the clean operating room, we should pay more attentionto the various standard values of the air filter in the clean operating room.The early specific maintenance and replacement plans are all expected. If theloss of the air filter in the clean operating room is too large due to otherfactors in the operation process, it must be removed and replaced in advance,It is necessary to master the standard value of air filter in clean operating room.If the standard value exceeds the standard, it is necessary to carry outmaintenance and replacement immediately.
Good indoor air quality plays a critical role in healing and wellness at hospitals and other healthcare facilities – lives may depend on it.
Hospitals are meant to be places of healing and wellness. They must maintain a high level of cleanliness to promote healing and good health, especially for patients in critical care units.
Yet studies have shown that the air quality inside many hospitals is poor. Studies also show that cleaner indoor air aids patient recovery and decreases physiological stress. As a result, hospital administrators might need to implement an air filtration strategy to combat the problem.
Hospitals, as well as nursing homes, dental offices and fertility clinics, must be a bastion of cleanliness and health. Critical equipment must also be protected from harmful substances that can interfere with their operation. Energy savings and flexible air filtration systems for operating theatres are also a high priority these days.
These goals are only achievable with a filtration system that is effective at removing even the smallest pollutants from the air. Air filtration from Kunlun can hold the key to meeting these critical challenges.
Many hospitals also provide specialisation in order to offer better patient care. This applies for infectious disease units, oncology units or haematology units. In these units, highly skilled staff must deal with highly sensitive patients who require either extreme patient protection or specific nurse and doctor protection.
To address the issue and find the right air filtration solutions, it’s important to understand the major causes of poor air quality inside healthcare facilities.
Sick patients at healthcare facilities can unfortunately contribute to air quality that is less than ideal. Coughs can contaminate the air and surfaces within a hospital room or lab. Open wounds or infections can transfer viruses and bacteria from patients’ bodies onto surfaces such as bedpans, mugs, plates, silverware, bedding and other materials. Once these materials are disturbed, those contaminants become airborne.
Many public hospitals in large urban areas were constructed many years ago, when innovations in ducts and vents were not as highly advanced as they are today. As a result, the air drawn into the hospital may not be properly filtered through the outdated ductwork. So, common pollutants such as dust mites, dirt, pollen and airborne bacteria can more readily circulate through the vents.
Moisture presents a particular problem in ductwork. It often leads to problems such as mould and spores, not to mention the risk of salmonella and nosocomial infections, which can grow into a major health issue beyond compromised air quality alone.
Much of the air that circulates through a hospital is drawn in from the outside. The indoor air quality in many health facilities therefore largely depends on the outside air quality. Dangerous vehicle exhaust fumes and odours can pose a threat by entering the building via the HVAC system.
Kunlun has been engaging in the design and manufacturing of air filtration systems that are innovative, functional and health affirming. Kunlun places a high value on the efficiency of its products, and through rigid testing, has developed solutions to the most complex clean-air problems facing the world.